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Snorkeling in Akumal Mexico

Snorkeling in Akumal mexicoAkumal Bay is known for its assorted species of sea turtles which use the beaches for breeding, feeding and rearing their young. This provides an optimal opportunity to see the animals in their natural habitat, including the many different species of fish and plant life.

Snorkeling and scuba diving are perhaps the favorite activities to pursue during a trip to Akumal, but snorkeling is a less physically demanding and technical option. With a brief instruction course and a smart location choice, snorkeling is very easy for even first-time novices.

One popular location for snorkeling in Akumal is the Yal-ku lagoon. This location is an extremely rare environment where fresh water meets with salt water from the sea. The combination of the two types of water is called a “halocline” effect.

Only very specific species can live and thrive in this halocline lagoon, and the mixture of salt and fresh water supplies creates an changed appearance of the water itself. Many fish found in this area are not found anywhere else in the world, and have been shown on many travel channel specials in recent years.

Casa Cenote is a lagoon featuring mangroves and bright fish displays. Many snorkelers find the fossils in Cenote at Dosojos quite worth while for a day of exploration. Many of the fossils seen at Dosojos date back to original civilizations that once occupied the area.

Snorkel lessons are always a good idea forfirst-timers prior to going to one of these sites. Although the activity is simple, some find that they are uncomfortable with the equipment or unsure how to best view the underwater scenery while safely using the snorkel.

A fun activity for locals and tourists alike is night snorkeling. Typically, a light is used in conjunction with traditional snorkeling equipment for this activity.

Many fish which are not observed during daylight hours can be observed when snorkeling after nightfall. This is usually because they are night-feeders or resting during the day.

The octopus is a perfect example of this phenomenon. Octopuses only come out to feed at nighttime, and change color when a light is focused on them. Virtually all of the life seen at night are safe for snorkelers, so night snorkeling is a safe activity also.

Plant life and some types of fish are also luminescent after dark. This creates greenish lights shining either continuously or flashing at night – quite a view for one who is only accustomed to snorkeling during the day!
Author Resource:-> M Gravlee

Facts About San Diego

Considering how San Diego is one of the best cities in the United States, its really easy to tell how popular the city is for tourists.  Among the many accomplishments behind San Diego, let’s take a look at several facts behind this amazing city.
san diego
Fact 1
Inside the city limits of San Diego, more than 1 million people live there.  This makes the city the second largest in California and the sixth biggest in the entire United States!  For the city to be this big, the residents still have that hometown experience – which is quite amazing!

Fact 2
No matter what type of year it is, it’s never the wrong time to visit.  The weather is near perfect year round, giving you the chance to experience everything to offer here.  With an annual high of 70 degrees and a low of 55 degrees,  you can pretty much go swimming year round.

Fact 3
If you visit between December – March, you can catch some  glimpses of the impressive gray whale.  All along the coast or on a cruise, you can catch this very amazing mammal.

Fact 4
If you travel just 23 miles south, you’ll be in the beautiful city of Tijuana.  What was once thought of as dangerous,  happens to be an amazing place of Mexican hospitality,  with great restaurants, shopping, and a pleasing nightlife.

Fact 5
San Diego offers an amazing array of flowers and roses.  With the climate being dry, it’s the perfect conditions for roses,  wild daises, and other exotic flowers.  With different flowers in the winter and summer months, avid flower lovers will fall in love with everything San Diego has to offer them.

Fact 6
It’s no secret that one of the biggest attractions to San Diego are the beaches.  Make sure you read the signs though, as the beauty behind the beaches vary almost as much as the rules do.

Fact 7
When it comes to nightlife, San Diego has something to please everyone.  From country dancing to singing in a bar, the city has a very happening nightlife.  No matter what you like to do at night, San Diego has it all – and probably a bit more.

Fact 8
The most attractive feature to San Diego is the zoo.  The 100 acre zoo here houses almost 4000 animals all of which who have  plenty of room to roam around.  With pandas for everyone to see, the San Diego zoo is reason enough to give the city a visit.

For more reasons than one, San Diego is the perfect city to visit.  You can visit here with family or friends and know that
you’ll always have places to go and things to see.  Winter or summer, San Diego is the one place you’ll never find boring.

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